As you all know, the government has issued a new notification regarding COVID-19. Our Shala practice, we can keep you safe while maintaining temperature, disinfection, hand washing, gargling, ventilation, and a social distance of at least 1m, but practicing with a mask can be a little difficult due to not enough breathing. Also, considering various stresses such as the use of transportation when coming here, Setting up an inspection in the city and consideration for neighbors, We think it is better to see the situation for at least a week without overdoing it.
These practices lead to practice in “Yama” of Ashtanga, the first limb of yoga. And “Niyama” of second limb of yoga. “Yama” is a moral that we should protect in order to coexist in society.
- Ahimsa: (non-violence) We treat others with compassion. By seeing ourselves in others, we would never hurt anyone.
- Satya: (truthfulness) We choose honesty in our all our interactions.
- Asteya: (non-stealing) We take only what is ours.
- Brahmacharya: (continence) We honor others as sacred beings by practising balance in our physical relations.
- Aparigraha: (non-coveting) Content with what we have, we take only what we need and practice simple living and non-attachment.
Little while, I have plan to make adjustments in “ONLINE CLASS”. It is using my words in watching over. I know that verbal adjustments sometimes encourage a deeper approach and create flexibility in our breathing. I have had the experience of completing kapotasana with just a word adjustment by my certified teacher in ten years ago. The Led class also has many elements. Navasana and Utpluthih create strength for you with the lead of counting. Tics-Tocs also, One teacher told me. “When if you always relying on adjustments, You never succeed it.” So I tried my best to achieve it myself every day. All asanas same too. Remember that you are the one who do it. And I think breathing is the source of everything. So no worries. I will guide you on the right path in any situation. You will feel many other elements that are special to online. Seemingly negative things can be turned into fun depending on how you use it! We suffer a lot in our daily practice, but these are lead a fun, sense of accomplishment and joy to the goal. This situation is the same! Let Keep practicing and safty. We are professional who find and create fun.
Online Class URL address will be sent after booking.
The timetable for the January schedule does not change.
Monthly Packages on January
We offer discounts or cash back for the online class week.
Monthly All class 4,500❤︎ (500❤︎cash back again when continuing online class after 3rd week)
Monthly 3times 3,700❤︎ (300cash back again when continuing online class after 3rd week)
When restart real class, There will be no online classes or cash back.
And then, You can also join your family and friends(resident) in the online class (Free or Donate).
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!!
ALYC Director: Ayumi